"Bitcoin Standardı": "Ulusal tercih"ten "yüzlerce milyarlık varlıklara" uzanan temel mantık

Sinohe Terrero



Sinohe Terrero is the chief financial officer of [Quid](https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/quid), an intelligence platform that combines search, premium data, and high-performance algorithms to create visualizations of markets, trends, and cultural phenomena. He was previously the SVP of Indiegogo.

Before Indiegogo, Terrero was a VP at Etsy, Citigroup, and Piquant.

Terrero holds a bachelor’s degree in accounting and an MBA in finance from the City University of New York.


Number of Current Jobs
Sinohe Terrero has 1 current jobs including Chief Financial Officer at Envoy , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Envoy Chief Financial Officer Jan 1, 2020 Detail