GPS çöküşünün ardından ölümcül bir darbe aldı: Binance'in yeni politikası piyasayı yeniden şekillendirebilir mi?

David Arcos



CTO at Rakuten TV, teacher at ESADE, and organizer at PyBCN.

I'm a technology generalist, coming from a strong technical background as a Python developer specialized in security, scalability and distributed systems.

For the past 15 years, I've worked at several startups, building cloud platforms in sectors as diverse as video streaming, computer vision, in-flight entertainment, machine learning, cyber-security, healthcare, and fintech.

I'm also teaching Cloud Computing at ESADE, organizer at the Python Barcelona Association, and a speaker at a number of technical conferences.


Number of Current Jobs
David Arcos has 1 current jobs including CTO at Rakuten TV at Rakuten , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Rakuten CTO at Rakuten TV Jul 1, 2022 Detail