SEC Yuvarlak Masa Toplantısı: Başarılar, Başarısızlıklar ve Sonraki Adımlar

Christian Ferri



Former PwC technology executive and expert in DLT and digital currencies, focusing on the intersection of gaming, brands and blockchain.

Speaker at 60+ events and conferences across the world, including the World Economic Forum, the S&P 500 Global Platts and the Blockchain Economic Forum.

DLT expert guest on CNBC, Al Jazeera, RT, Forbes, BBC, Millionaire and Coin Telegraph.

Cross-vertical advisor to several companies including Atari, and Swarm Fund.

Venice born. Palo Alto based.


Number of Current Jobs
Christian Ferri has 2 current jobs including CEO & Founder at Web3 Pro™ , CEO at Geer™ and .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Web3 Pro™ CEO & Founder Jan 1, 2019 Detail
Geer™ CEO Detail