Venture Kick



Number of Investments
Number of Lead Investments
Venture Kick has made 31 investments. Their most recent investment was on Jun 22, 2022, when Avelo, Inc raised
Date Company Name Round Money Raised Industry Lead Investor
Jun 22, 2022 Avelo Grant Health Care Yes
Jun 10, 2022 Almer Technologies Grant Augmented Reality Yes
Jul 8, 2020 Miraex Grant Aerospace Yes
Apr 1, 2020 flowbone Grant Elder Care
Mar 11, 2020 SmartHelio Convertable Note Clean Energy
Oct 15, 2019 Synendos Therapeutics Pre-seed Health Care Yes
May 22, 2019 Synendos Therapeutics Pre-seed Health Care Yes
Dec 11, 2018 Synendos Therapeutics Grant Health Care Yes
Jun 6, 2018 Qnami Pre-seed Biotechnology Yes
Apr 18, 2018 Fixposition Grant Autonomous Vehicles Yes
Mar 20, 2018 Swiss Blockchain Technology Grant Blockchain Yes
Jan 10, 2018 Qnami Grant Biotechnology Yes
Nov 21, 2017 Fixposition Grant Autonomous Vehicles Yes
Aug 22, 2017 Qnami Grant Biotechnology Yes
Nov 23, 2016 modum Grant Blockchain Yes
Aug 9, 2016 modum Grant Blockchain Yes
Aug 26, 2015 Ava Pre-seed Fertility Yes
Aug 9, 2015 modum Grant Blockchain Yes
Jun 23, 2015 Wecan Grant Blockchain Yes
May 26, 2015 Metaco Grant Banking Yes
Mar 4, 2015 Ava Grant Fertility Yes
Nov 11, 2014 Ava Grant Fertility Yes
May 6, 2014 SWISSCEX Grant Bitcoin Yes
Oct 10, 2012 SmartCardia Grant Apps Yes
May 8, 2012 SmartCardia Grant Apps Yes
Jun 21, 2011 Beekeeper Grant Enterprise Software Yes
Sep 8, 2010 MindMaze Grant Health Care Yes
May 25, 2010 MindMaze Grant Health Care Yes
Mar 3, 2010 Scandit Pre-seed Augmented Reality Yes
Sep 30, 2009 Scandit Grant Augmented Reality Yes
Jun 23, 2009 Scandit Grant Augmented Reality Yes