Yılda milyonlarca dolar kazanıyor ama sözleşmelere bağımlı: Bir "içeriden" biri 50 milyon dolarlık bir hırsızlığı mı sahneledi ve yönetti?

Saurav Kumar



Saurav Kumar was co-founder and CEO of Cube26 (acq. by Paytm), an India based technology innovation firm focused on revolutionizing the user experience across multiple devices and platforms. He pursued his undergraduate in Computer Science from Delhi College of Engineering, Delhi University. After that, he joined INRIA, France, where he worked on the next generation of Driving Assistance Systems to mitigate roadside accidents. Later, he joined Cornell University’s Master’s program in Computer Science focusing on Machine Learning, Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing.


Number of Current Jobs
Saurav Kumar has 1 current jobs including CEO and Founder at Euler Motors , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Euler Motors CEO and Founder May 1, 2018 Detail