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Richard D. Hockett



A clinical pathologist certified by the American Board of Pathology, Chief Medical Officer Rick Hockett is the mind behind Genalyte’s clinical strategy, development and operations.

He also oversees daily operations of our CLIA laboratory and 510(k) submission of our proprietary diagnostic instrumentation and assays for regulatory approval. Rick has spent three decades applying biomarkers to clinical medicine, distinguishing him as a leader in personalized medicine. Among many professional achievements, Rick was responsible for the first standalone genetic component for a New Drug Application to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Rick maintains active medical licenses in Indiana, California, New York and Colorado. He earned his bachelor’s degree in chemistry at the University of South Dakota and his doctorate of medicine from the University of Minnesota; he completed his residency in clinical pathology at Washington University, St. Louis. He is inspired by Genalyte’s mission to empower medical practitioners and patients through tech.


Number of Current Jobs
Richard D. Hockett has 1 current jobs including Chief Medical Office at Biodesix , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Biodesix Chief Medical Office Detail