SEC Yuvarlak Masa Toplantısı: Başarılar, Başarısızlıklar ve Sonraki Adımlar

Peter Jones

Investment Partner


Investor Type
Investment Partner

Peter joined Eden as a General Partner in 2007, bringing with him a deep technical knowledge in the mobile sector. He is one of Eden’s Investment Managers.

His credits to date include co-founding Metrica Systems, the leading supplier of performance management software to the telecoms industry, and working as CTO of SignalSoft, suppliers of mobile location services and infrastructure. Most recently Strategy Director of Actix, a wireless engineering company where, with the CEO, he led the sale of a majority stake to a private equity firm, Summit Partners, at a $100 million plus valuation.


Number of Current Jobs
Peter Jones has 1 current jobs including Board member at Zemanta , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Zemanta Board member Jan 1, 2008 Detail