Justin Cavinee is the Chief Data Scientist and Founder of the critical infrastructure cyber
security company Dragos, Inc. He is one of the lead developers of the Dragos Data Pipeline as
well as the technologies that enable the Dragos Threat Operations Center. Justin specializes in
incident response and developing analytics to detect advanced threats both pre- and postincident.
His experience in ICS environments range a number of industries including nuclear
power, water distribution, manufacturing facilities, and oil and gas pipelines.
Previous to his role at Dragos, Inc. he was a member of the U.S. Intelligence Community where
he was in charge of developing advanced analytics to detect threats targeting ICS/SCADA
networks. There, he also performed intrusion analysis and incident response against national
level adversaries and generated threat intelligence on adversary operations to inform both
tactical level defenders and strategic positions such as heads of government. In his time serving
in the U.S. government, Justin worked in various red team and blue team roles and was
routinely recognized for his exemplary service