Yılda milyonlarca dolar kazanıyor ama sözleşmelere bağımlı: Bir "içeriden" biri 50 milyon dolarlık bir hırsızlığı mı sahneledi ve yönetti?

Jason Heikenfeld



Jason Heikenfeld joined University of Cincinnati as Assoc. Vice President for Operations. jason Heikenfeld is the lead inventor of key components of the Company’s technology platform and IP portfolio.  He is an internationally-known expert in electrofluidics and flex-electronics, with work spanning displays, lab-on-chip, and now wearable sensors.   Dr. Heikenfeld has more than 160 publications spanning electrofluidics and flex electronics; has been awarded over $13M in research grants over the past eight years in the fields of electrical, materials, and biomedical engineering; is a recipient of the prestigious NSF CAREER, AFOSR, and Sigma Xi Young-Investigator awards; and is a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors.  He is also a Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Cincinnati and has been at UC since 2005.  The Company is the third startup Dr. Heikenfeld has founded, with his previous startups resulting in commercialization of two products to date.


Number of Current Jobs
Jason Heikenfeld has 1 current jobs including Co-Founder & Chief Science Officer at Eccrine Systems , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Eccrine Systems Co-Founder & Chief Science Officer Detail