Yılda milyonlarca dolar kazanıyor ama sözleşmelere bağımlı: Bir "içeriden" biri 50 milyon dolarlık bir hırsızlığı mı sahneledi ve yönetti?

Adrien Stern



I'm my best self when I'm collaborating and creating! I'm currently collaborating with my highschool friend Walid on creating Reveel, a solution to empower a growing middle class of content creators.

Reveel is the Business OS for Content Creators. We're empowering content creators through technology that automates copyright, metadata, legal and business tasks. This way artists can focus on what they love: creating!

More on www.reveel.id


Number of Current Jobs
Adrien Stern has 1 current jobs including Co-founder & CEO at Reveel , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Reveel Co-founder & CEO Detail