Monsanto Growth Ventures, a venture capital group, offers technology-based solutions and agricultural products to improve farm productivity.
Monsanto Growth Ventures (MGV) is the venture capital group at Monsanto Company. Monsanto has a large footprint as a provider of technology-based solutions and agricultural products that improve farm productivity and food quality. In this capacity, MGV aims to help nascent companies grow through capital and leveraging Monsanto’s agriculture know-how and resources.
MGV also fosters the growth of an innovation supply chain that includes researchers, entrepreneurs, other venture capitalists and emerging technology companies. Often, early stage product innovation is best handled by talented small independent teams and companies that can maintain a single focus, work in a capital efficient process and rapidly prototype innovations to find solutions.
MGV has led investments in, and partnered with, small companies worldwide and They pride ourselves in assisting small companies to bring their innovations to the agricultural market place.
Monsanto understands agriculture and the challenges in bringing products to market. They are patient investors and they can use their network of field testing and market intelligence to position products for success.