Trump'ın danışmanı David Sacks, göreve başlamadan önce 200 milyon dolarlık kripto yatırımını elden çıkardı




Number of Lead Investors
Number of Investors
PrimeDAO is funded by 15 investors. TokenInsight and Atka Capital are the most recent investors.
Investor Name Lead Investor Funding Round
TokenInsight - Seed
Atka Capital - Seed
Faculty Group - Seed
Fernando Martinelli - Seed
Griff Green - Seed
ID Theory - Seed
LD Capital - Seed
Meld ventures - Seed
NiMA Asghari - Seed
Senary Ventures - Seed
Signum Capital - Seed
SMAPE Capital - Seed
Stacker Ventures - Seed
Stratos Technologies - Seed
XeO4 - Seed