SEC Yuvarlak Masa Toplantısı: Başarılar, Başarısızlıklar ve Sonraki Adımlar

Wayne Huang



Wayne Huang has extensive experience in the security industry and is a frequent speaker at security conferences including BlackHat (10), DEFCON (10), RSA (07, 10), SyScan (08, 09), OWASP (08, 09), Hacks in Taiwan (06, 07), WWW (03, 04), PHP (07) and DSN (04).

He is the first author to achieve consecutive best paper nominations at the prestigious World Wide Web (WWW) Conferences (2003, 2004), and has a co-authored the Web Application Security chapter of "Computer Security in the 21st Century" (Springer US, 2005).

Prior to founding Armorize, Wayne was a Research Engineer at the Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taipei. Wayne recieved his BS and MS in CS from National Chiao Tung Univerisity and his PhD in EE from National Taiwan University.


Number of Current Jobs
Wayne Huang has 1 current jobs including Co-Founder & CEO at XREX Inc. , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
XREX Inc. Co-Founder & CEO Dec 1, 2018 Detail