Rethinking Ownership, Stablecoins, and Tokenization from First Principles

Mohammad Shafiee



Mohammad Javad Shafiee (PhD) is a research professor at the University of Waterloo, and the co-inventor of DarwinAI's Generative Synthesis A.I. technology. Mohammad is a world-class researcher in computational intelligence and deep learning, with more than 70 peer-reviewed scientific articles at top journals and conferences. His research has been recognized with a number of prestigious awards, has extensive industrial research experience leading a large number of large-scale industrial and academic projects.


Number of Current Jobs
Mohammad Shafiee has 1 current jobs including Co-Founder & Vice President Research at DarwinAI , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
DarwinAI Co-Founder & Vice President Research Jan 1, 2017 Detail