Jochen Kunert is the VP of Channel EMEA and ROW at Unisys. He was a former VP of EMEA at Unify Square. Jochen Kunert leads Unify Square's business and operations in EMEA, out of Cologne, Germany.Jochen was a co-founder of Media-Streams AG, the pioneering VoIP company/technology acquired by Microsoft in 2005 to seed Microsoft's entry into Microsoft's Enterprise Voice business. Jochen was the General Manager of Media-Streams Germany and Business Development Manager. He was previously VoIP Product Manager at Siemens headquarters in Munich, Germany.Following the Media-Streams acquisition by the Microsoft Office Communications Server product group, Jochen became a Program Manager for Voice on the OCS product team, where he was a key source of Enterprise Voice expertise for the OCS development effort – including the design for enterprise Voice Routing. Subsequently, as a Senior Program Manager on the OCS Technology Adoption Program (TAP) team and then the Senior Program Manager for the Microsoft Lighthouse program, Jochen provided requirements, best practice guidance, and verification for Microsoft's Enterprise Voice Lighthouse deployments by key Microsoft customers and Partners.Jochen has a Masters Degree in Electrical Engineering, Business Administration, Economics and Law from the University of Technology in Darmstadt, Germany. He is an author of the Office Communications Server 2007 Resource Kit, and authored also Microsoft Unified Communications – Telefonieren Sie noch oder Kommunizieren Sie schon? published by Microsoft Press.