İki CEX devinin Web3 savaşı tersine mi dönüyor? Stratejik oyunun arkasında pek çok düzenleyici zorluk var

David Keith



David has worked at the interface of climate science, energy technology, and public policy for 25 years. As a technology developer and innovator, he built a high accuracy infrared spectrometer for NASA’s ER-2 and developed new methods for reservoir engineering to increase the safety of stored CO2. David was listed as one of TIME magazine’s Heroes of the Environment 2009. David divides his time between Calgary and Cambridge Massachusetts where he holds professorships in engineering and in public policy at Harvard University.


Number of Current Jobs
David Keith has 1 current jobs including Founder at Carbon Engineering , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Carbon Engineering Founder Jan 1, 2009 Detail