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GP HR Ventures

investment firm


Investing/co-investing in HR Tech startups with traction $500k-$10MM. Current portfolio: beamery.com, thiswayglobal.com, emplo.com, lusk.io


Education,Human Resources
Founded date
Nov 1, 2013
Operating Status
Investor Type

Corporate Venture Capital of Grupa Pracuj that does Seed, Early Stage Venture investments in HR Tech and education. Grupa Pracuj owns the largest jobbards in Poland (Pracuj.pl) and Ukraine (Rabota.ua) as well as other HR companies such as eRecruiter (ATS) and EMPLO.com (TMS).

What counts for us is a talented team, market opportunity and competitive landscape.
Very open to co-invest and cooperate with accelerators/incubators.

We have a hands-on approach to our investments, 15 years of HR entrepreneurial experience of board members, a vast HR global network and 30k active job board clients in Poland.

The VC portfolio includes:
- Lusk.io
- Beamery.com
- ThisWayGlobal.com

Employee Profiles

Number of Employee Profiles
GP HR Ventures has 1 current employee profiles, including Employee Maciej Artur Noga