SEC Yuvarlak Masa Toplantısı: Başarılar, Başarısızlıklar ve Sonraki Adımlar

Pool My Ride



Start a Car Pool Today on Android & IPhone by using poolmyride.

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Last Funding Type
Android,Apps,iOS,Public Transportation,Transportation
Founded date
Jul 11, 2013
Number Of Employee
1 - 10
Operating Status

PoolMyRide creates a way out for your daily commute while cutting down your expenses. Find ride pools in and around your city, just enter source and destination and wait for your Facebook friends and app users to share the ride.They also introduced cab pooling booking for office commute.

On an average a pool can save a user more than $1,000 per year which otherwise would have gone on:

*Wear and Tear of vehicle.


*Create or join a pool anywhere in the world
*See where your friends or Colleagues plan to travel.
*Get the travel route for ride.
*Connect with new people
*Login with your Facebook account too.


*Use technology to make earth and home happy.
*Play your role in society.
*Connect to more people.
*Save Money
*Save Environment

Funding Rounds

Number of Funding Rounds
Total Funding Amount
Pool My Ride has raised a total of — in funding over 2 rounds. Their latest funding was raised on Jan 15, 2015 from a Seed round.
Announced Date Round Money Raised Number of Investors Lead Investors Post Valuation
Jan 15, 2015 Seed 1 Detail


Number of Lead Investors
Number of Investors
Pool My Ride is funded by 1 investors. Carma Axlr8r are the most recent investors.
Investor Name Lead Investor Funding Round
Carma Axlr8r Seed