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Claus Højbjerg Andersen



Claus has been with Nordic Venture Partners since its inception in early 2000. Claus has over the years focused primarily on enterprise software and Internet-related investments. He is currently a member of the board in four companies, which range from the early seed phase to more mature companies. Prior to joining Nordic Ventures Partners he was an international carrier in the financial industry in asset management, research and sales in Danske Capital (Copenhagen), Nordea (Luxembourg) and Enskilda Securities (London).

Claus is a director on the boards of Ascio, Saxotech, Rovsing Dynamics, Polar Rose, Octoshape and Funcom.

Claus has a B.Comm. degree in Credit and Finance from Copenhagen Business School.

email: cha@nordic.com


Number of Current Jobs
Claus Højbjerg Andersen has 1 current jobs including General Partner at Nordic Venture Partners (Sweden) , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Nordic Venture Partners (Sweden) General Partner Detail