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Binance Megadrop launches the first project BounceBit(BB)

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Binance has launched a new token issuance platform called Megadrop for both new and old Web3 users. Users can purchase BNB fixed-term products on the Binance Megadrop platform, and/or complete tasks for selected projects directly on the Binance Web3 wallet to receive airdrop rewards. The first project to be launched on Binance Megadrop is BounceBit (BB), a BTC re-collateralization public chain. Project details: Token name: BounceBit (BB) Maximum token supply: 2,100,000,000 BB Initial circulation: 409,500,000 BB (19.5% of the maximum token supply) Megadrop total supply: 168,000,000 BB (8% of the maximum token supply) Research report: BounceBit (BB) (the report will be released within an hour of this announcement) Binance will list BB after Megadrop is completed, and specific listing plans will be announced separately. The Megadrop quota information and Web3 task details will also be announced at the same time.


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